Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Reliable Agency Staff for Promos: glamour+brains!

A warm welcome to one of our newest clients, The Pearl Essence, a London-based agency that provides reliable and intelligent event staff for functions, from business product launches and trade shows to high profile sports events and charity dinners.

Their clients and events list includes Formula 1 (Silverstone and Monaco), FIFA, Mercedes, Audi, l'Oreal, Mumm, Magners and a host of others ... including Tesco!

The Pearl Essence girls have added a touch of young glamour to many charity events: "Do It For Deb" at Bolton FC for Christie's hospice, the Marks and Spencer Prostate Cancer Annual Charity Gala, Harvey Nichols Wellchild Fashion Show and The Brain Tumour Research Charity Auction - to name a few recent ones.

Follow their event hostess tweets or 'like' The Pearl Essence facebook page to keep up with the social whirl of The Pearl Essence!

Monday, 5 March 2012

Sweet Indulgence: Mother's Day, Easter, Birthdays

       Sweet new client!
Candy Cake for Mothers Day
Life Is Sweets, Essex-based on-line candy shop, specialises in old fashioned sweets ('retro'), gift boxes - retro, chocolates or toffees (my favourite!) - plus 'candy cakes' for all occasions:
 * Mothers' Day
 * Fathers' Day
 * Easter
 * Hallowe'en
 * Christmas
 * Valentine's Day

and, of course, themed party or gift cakes made from sweets:
 * heart shaped  * jelly babies  * marshmallows
if you don't see what you want, just ask!

Tip for Children's parties ... you know how kids never eat the cake, they just scatter crumbs everywhere? Order a candy cake and a few gift bags and fill the bags from the candy cake. Simple!