Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Technology Help for RSI and Disabled Users

Adapt-IT is an established business that provides technology products and training to people who need help using hardware or software. The owner has a thorough knowledge of assistive technology products and offers consultancy and advice for people with disabilities, whether they are permanent or temporary, including repeptitive strain injury (RSI).

There is a full range of computer aids for children, too.

ABC or QWERTY keyboard options
ABC or QWERTY keyboard options

Adapt-IT's products and services:
  • Ergonomic assessments for individuals, corporates, care homes, etc.
  • Assessments and advice on computer hardware and software for special needs or disabled users
  • Supply of special needs and ergonomic computer equipment, accessories and furniture
  • Specialist software Installation services 
  • Product training on supplied hardware and software 
  • Expert Witness service
Start with their on-site blog for some free useful information.