Monday, 11 April 2016

New Website aimed at a small percentage of the populace...

Not every company is keen for their website to be seen at the top of Google. We recently published an information site for potential investors in a UK property fund. This information is aimed at specific industry investors/advisers and not for the general public (as stated within the website), in accordance with government and financial institution rules and regulations for this type of investment fund.

To discourage anyone who stumbles across the site from wasting their time, some pages have been password protected so that seriously interested parties will make contact with the company's representatives.

Our interest, of course, is to show potential clients of The BPc another of our websites designs, this one for a property investment company.

On the Home (above image) and Contact pages, we've used a moving image of London (where the company is based)

We have used a standard slider on the Properties page (above image), plus a gallery of thumbnails that provide more information (these links are password protected).

The news page has no image header. Instead, each featured post has a related image.

Very little SEO was required for this website as the client will direct viewers to it as an information source, rather than printing and posting glossy brochures.

The obvious advantage over traditional printing is that tweaks and even major changes can be accommodated as required, fairly instantly and without paying for full reprinting and postage.

Please contact The BPc with details of your website and graphic design requirements.