Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Safety at Work - as easy as ABC

Workplace safety applies to all companies, whatever their size. Employers must ensure that all staff, contractors and volunteers under their care must know how to work safely without risk to themselves or others. The management has to provide clear instructions regarding safe working practices, with information and adequate training as appropriate.

Depending on the work environment, basic information or instructions may be all that is required. The best way to demonstrate that health and safety practices are being taken seriously is to provide training via a specialist who is geared up to cover all aspects on your behalf, e.g. relevance, effectiveness, feedback. Keeping training records will help you to identify when refresher training might be needed.

Our client ABC WorkSafe has a long and successful history of providing high quality training courses at reasonable cost throughout the southern half of the UK. They have launched a 'Business Special' to suit most companies with at least a handful of staff.

Three certificated 'Work Safe' courses, each two hours long, which cover the main topics for First Aid, Manual Handling and Fire Safety - 12 people per session.

ABC WorkSafe will deliver basic Safety at Work courses for your management and staff in just one day.
  • Our Fire Safety Awareness Course is suitable for everyone and essential for those with Fire Warden or Fire Marshall responsibilities:
    • basic fire safety principles for the workplace
    • identify fire hazards and how a fire develops
    •  evacuation procedures 
    • use of fire extinguishers. 
  • Our Manual Handling Training Course
    • creates awareness of the risks related to the incorrect undertaking or supervising manual handling
    • raises the level of understanding risks and thus helps avoid work-related injuries. 
  • Our First Aid Course provides essential basic knowledge, not just for work but everywhere. The training session will include:
    • emergency response skills, e.g. CPR
    • Life-saving skills! The DO and DON'T essentials while waiting for medical professionals.
A full day for all three courses for a maximum of 12 people per session includes course manuals and a certificate per attendee for each course attended.

ABC WorkSafe courses include: First Aid, Fire Safety, Food Safety, Manual Handling, Health and Safety and Care.

A specialist will be able to assist with a review of particular training needs of inexperienced new recruits, young people and those who may be less able plus additional training for health and safety representatives.

Still in doubt? Give them a shout! Build your team of potential life savers!