Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Equipment Supplier to Dental Practices

The BPc has been working with dpsdental.co.uk to optimise their content for improved website visibility. Since May, visitor numbers to their website have increased each month.
  • May to June 25% increase;
  • June to July 66% increase;
  • August is looking promising so far.
DPS supplies dental equipment to dentists and dental practices. Products focus on patient comfort and care and the latest techology for great-looking teeth. Some of these are:
The dental evacuator (or extractor) is currently offered at a discount, as it is essential for patients' welfare during the current pandemic. Using this and other cleansing equipment, such as air sterilizers, the dental surgery should remain virus-free.

Dental visits can be traumatic for many people. DPS supplies a range of comfort cushions, blankets and other items to help relax patients during their appointments.

Teeth veneers are a game-changer for people who feel embarrassed by their teeth. If you would like to smile with confidence, ask your dentist to contact DPS dental for details of the direct veneer system. It is minimally invasive and dentists can veneer teeth in a single pain-free visit in around 2 hours.

DPS dental supplies