In addition to Website Design, The BPc offers a range of internet business services.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is tailored to each clients' business needs. It may require on-page content optimisation, updating websites to meet current technology standards and compliancy with government guidelines or it could be using social media to reach a wider audience to link to their websites.
We may also assist with keeping their news blog up to date. Linking to useful information is a great way of attracting people from social media and other websites.
A number of our current projects are for clients who need (or just want) assistance with setting up social media accounts, customising in line with company style and/or regular news posted across various media. Depending on their suitability, this might involve Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler and/or YouTube.
Creating and editing video presents an issue to some clients but it can be extremely useful for engaging new visitors. Shorter videos are widely favoured on social media and longer ones are ideal for YouTube.
- We set up a Facebook page for SunSeeker Doors and they now have over 3,000 followers.
- Our YouTube video views for SunSeeker Doors exceed 70,000 views.
- We set up a Facebook page for A White Rolls Royce and they now have over 3,500 followers.
- We recently set up Social Media accounts for:
- Ugley Village Hall;
- Ian Cummins, Author and Novelist.
If you are considering using social media for your company, we say
yes, do it. And if you'd like our assistance because you just don't have the time or inclination, we can help with promoting your business. let us know!